Concierge Practice

In addition to a standard, pay per appointment practice, Dr. Cohen has developed his concierge practice as a way to provide more flexible care to his patients.

Concierge patients will have increased flexibility regarding appointments, rescheduling, and telephone access to Dr. Cohen. The concierge medicine model allows Dr. Cohen to be more flexible with his schedule and more accessible to his patients.

With both an excellent in-house team and a network of  excellent physicians, Dr. Cohen is able to ensure that his patients receive first-rate care with two goals in mind: attending to problems and preventing them before they even happen.

To inquire about or register for Dr. Cohen’s concierge practice, please contact us at or 917-993-5018.

Personalized Concierge Psychiatry in NYC, Greenwich CT and Santa Monica CA

When you need in-depth outpatient care from a mental health care professional, consider Principium concierge services. The benefits of concierge psychiatry include:

  • Personalized attention: Concierge services give doctors and patients more time to get to know each other. As a result, patients receive more personalized care.
  • Cost consolidation: Paying a concierge fee gives you access to multiple services. This process can help some patients consolidate their mental health care costs, especially if they need frequent visits.
  • Better access to care: Patients who participate in concierge psychiatry can contact their doctor directly and schedule appointments more easily.

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The Principium Team’s Background and Credentials

Dr. Cohen and the team at Principium have extensive experience in multiple mental health care specialties. Their achievements and credentials include:

  • Faculty roles at institutions like Cornell University and Columbia University
  • Training from health care organizations like Mount Sinai
  • American Psychiatric Association fellowship
  • American Nurses Association membership
  • Sigma Thea Tau International membership
  • TMS technician certification
  • NYC medical marijuana registration

Our Primary Psychiatric Services

At Principium, we combine foundational psychiatric services with new evidence-supported approaches. Our psychiatry treatments include:

Many patients receive a combination of psychotherapy and psychopharmacology in their mental health treatment. During psychotherapy, the patient talks about their thoughts and feelings with a therapist. This process helps them learn new coping skills and develop new thinking patterns. Psychopharmacology involves the diagnosis and treatment of mental health conditions with medicine. Your Principium psychiatrist will help you find the right medication for your diagnosis.

Eating disorders can impact a patient’s physical and mental health, requiring attentive care. At Principium, our eating disorder treatment services include different types of therapy that help patients address eating behaviors. The Principium team can work with primary care providers and other doctors to coordinate the physical aspects of eating disorder treatment.

NeuroStar transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) treatment uses magnetic pulses to stimulate the brain to address depression. This FDA-approved treatment has years of evidence showing its effectiveness for treatment-resistant depression.

Principium offers a type of ketamine therapy known as SPRAVATO™, a form of esketamine that comes as a nasal spray. This treatment has data supporting its positive results in patients with treatment-resistant depression. Principium also offers IV ketamine infusions for depression.

The treatment providers at Principium also have medical marijuana certification.Talk to your doctor to see if medical marijuana could help your mental health condition.

Concierge Telepsychiatry Services Also Available

We can offer many of our routine services through telepsychiatry, a form of psychiatry delivered over a video call. Our telepsychiatry services increase comfort and accessibility for many of our patients, enhancing their care experience. Concierge patients can request telepsychiatry services when they need fast face-to-face communication with their doctor.

What Our Patients Say

The treatment was so much more comfortable than I thought it would be. I experienced slight discomfort during the first two treatments, but it was smooth sailing from then on!


Before starting TMS, I was so depressed that I couldn’t eat, sleep or get out of bed. I had stopped doing the things I enjoyed entirely, because I didn’t have the energy or interest. It took a few weeks, but I started to notice myself thinking more positively, and it kept improving from there. Thank you, Dr. Cohen!


My depression improved dramatically throughout the course of my TMS treatment. I am finally able to sleep through the night and I am looking forward to living my life again. My entire family noticed the difference in me before I did. TMS changed my life after decades of failed medications and terrible side effects. I finally feel like “me” again.


Dr. Cohen and his team are so fantastic! They did everything they could to make me feel comfortable, and I started feeling better after the first dose of Ketamine!

Verified Patient

I am so thankful to Dr. Cohen and his team! Thanks to them and the Ketamine treatment, I’m feeling better than I have in years. I was pleasantly surprised that there were no side effects.


The suite in which I received the treatment was comfortable and welcoming. I was able to relax during the treatments and each time I left, I felt more at peace.


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Schedule an Appointment for Manhattan Concierge Psychiatry Therapy

During your initial consultation, you can discuss concierge services with our team. Begin treatment at Principium Psychiatry by scheduling your first appointment.

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